Contact Us

Providing a friendly caring service in the luxury of your own home

HomecarE D&D Ltd

Unit 22, The Bridge Business Centre,
Beresford Way, Dunston,
Chesterfield S41 9FG
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30-4.00pm
T: 01246 269153
F: 01246 269732
Out of hours: 07736 100802

Other contacts


CQC National Customer Service Centre
Citygate, Gallowgate,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA
T: 03000 616161
F: 0300 616171

Social Services

County Offices, Matlock,
Derbyshire DE4 3AG
T: 01629 533190

Where to find us

HomeCarE D&D Ltd

Useful Numbers

HomecarE: 01246 269153
HomecarE (out of hours): 07736 100802
Police: 101
Chesterfield Hospitals: 01246 277271
Call Derbyshire: 01629 533190
CQC: 03000 616161

Make An Enquiry

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